InnoGames have used the 2019 Halloween Event to reintroduce some avatars from previous Halloween events. There have been various Events in Forge of Empires since the first one (Halloween Event) in 2012.They have fallen into three different categories Seasonal, Special and Historical Quest lines. Before you can take part in Events you will need to unlock the Bronze Age technology of Cultivation (this originally opened the Treasure Hunt as well). Nimm die täglichen Süßigkeiten mit und setze sie ein. It may be used as a reference during the event to find out which reward may appear. Und wenn du nur 2-3 gute Tagespreise bekommst hast du doch als Änfänger auch schon was bekommen was du brauchen kannst. Ganz abbrechen würde ich es … Clicking on a clean avatar icon presents the player with an avatar. 2019 Halloween Event/Beta < 2019 Halloween Event. 2019 Halloween Event/Beta. Ich würde dir raten das Event einfach ohne Streß so weiterzuspielen wie es für dich geht. Es beginnt auf allen regulären Welten (d. h. Servern) am 15.10.2019. In our event guide we’ll be talking you through the event, what you can expect and what is involved. Auf dem englischsprachigen Beta-Server begann es bereits fast zwei Monate früher. History Comments Share. Overview. The avatars are obtained when a player clears a tile with a portrait frame while brushing away the cobwebs, in a manner similar to obtaining the pumpkins. The Halloween Event runs for 22 days, starting on the 15th October and finishing up on the 5th November 2019. FOE - Halloween Event 2019. Edit. 18th September 2019 to 10th October 2019. Quests list for Halloween Event 2019 in Forge of Empires … Its a yearly event, and follows quite similarly to last years Halloween Event. Das Halloween-Event 2019 ist ein spezielles Event bei Forge of Empires im Oktober 2019. Contents . Daily Special . This is the lists of Daily Specials and Ingredients from the BETA server.
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