Dr. Koraljka Husnjak Koraljka was born in Croatia, where she studied molecular biology at the Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb. About 100 members of staff shape the unique multidisciplinary culture at IBC2. About. h1. The Schleiff Lab focuses on fundamental questions of protein and organelle homeostasis in plant cells. Home We are proud to host scientists from all over the world working together to generate a better understanding of cellular processes in health and disease. Lebendig, urban und weltoffen besitzt sie als Stiftungsuniversität ein einzigartiges Maß an … She received her Master of Science and PhD training at the Division of Molecular Medicine at the Rudjer Boskovic Institute headed by Kresimir Pavelic. Dr. Koraljka Husnjak Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, Medizinische Fakultät Institut für Biochemie II Ubiquitin Signaling Group Telefon +49 69 6301 5820 K.Husnjak[at]biochem2.uni-frankfurt.de. Ubiquitin (UB) is a small inactive peptide which dramatically changes the fate of ubiquitinated proteins when enzymatically activated and covalently attached to proteins in the process known as ubiquitination (Ciechanover et al., 1984). She received her Master of Science and PhD training at the Division of Molecular Medicine at the Rudjer Boskovic Institute headed by Kresimir Pavelic. Koraljka was born in Croatia, where she studied molecular biology at the Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb. THREE POSTDOC/STAFF SCIENTIST POSITIONS (m, f, d) IN CRISPR/Cas SCREENS AND PROTEOMICS, GOETHE UNIVERSITY FRANKFURT, GERMANY We are looking for postdoctoral fellows or staff scientists in the recently established Frankfurt CRISPR/Cas screening center (FCSC) at the Institute of Biochemistry II, Goethe University, Medical Faculty, Frankfurt, Germany (www.biochem2.com), 9 60438 Frankfurt am Main Email: schleiff at bio.uni-frankfurt.de Web: Homepage. Team . She received her Master of Science and PhD training at the Division of Molecular Medicine at the Rudjer Boskovic Institute headed by Kresimir Pavelic. boris.macek[at]uni-tuebingen.de. Mirko “CroCop” Filipović - K-1 UFC fighter Gary Gabelich was the first person to a land speed record over 1000 km/h, it remained unbeaten until 1983 UB was initially discovered as a signal for UB-dependent protein degradation by the proteasome system in the late 1970s and early 1980s … Dr. Koraljka Husnjak Koraljka was born in Croatia, where she studied molecular biology at the Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb. We are proud to host scientists from all over the world working together to generate a better understanding of cellular processes in health and disease. Campus Bockenheim • Postfach 11 19 32, D-60054 Frankfurt am Mai Senckenberganlage 31, D-60325 Frankfurt am Main H i e r w i r d W i s s e n W i r k l i c h k e i t einem Fass-artigen Proteinkomplex. Head: Dr. Koraljka Husnjak Dynamic and reversible post-translational modifications by multifunctional protein ubiquitin regulate a variety of cellular processes including protein stability, DNA transcription and repair, endocytosis, cell cycle and division, apoptosis, autophagy, antigen processing, inflammation and immune response (1, 2).
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