Read more. Request Information Distance learning Masters Degrees in Education Technology 2020 Lisa Marie Blaschke is program director of and instructor in the Master of Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) program at Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg. The Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme will prepare students for a career working in a school or in another career area. Find out useful details concerning this study course. You can even complete classes from the Internet lounge in any hotel around the world if you need a vacation. Find out useful details concerning this study course. MASTER AND MORE: information about your Masters study. Distance learning courses can be taken in whatever place you have Internet access. Master of Education (Sonderpädagogik) - Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg - study in Oldenburg, Germany The Master of Distance Education & E-learning (MDE) program is offered by The Graduate School (TGS) at the University of Maryland University College (UMUC) in partnership with the Center for Life-long Learning (C3L) at Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg (OL). Series Editors' Foreword The assembled Papers and Debates on the Economics and Costs of Distance and Online Learning, selected for this volume primarily serve as a reader for students in the Master of Distance Education (MDE) in the course Management of Distance Education 1: Cost-Analysis.Clearly, the readings are also of interest for the wider audience of State Examination's Programme Many are integrated into special research areas, research groups and European clusters of excellence.The University cooperates closely with more than 200 other universities worldwide and is also affiliated with non-university institutes in the areas of research, education, culture and business.The University of Oldenburg is preparing over 13,700 students for professional life. You are interested in the study programme Master of Distance Education (MDE) at Uni Oldenburg? the master of distance education program: a collaboration between the university of maryland university college and oldenburg university On November 15, 2003, The Master of Distance Education (MDE) program at the University of Maryland University College (UMUC) received the 2003 Sloan-C award for Most Outstanding Online Teaching and Learning Program.
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