Direkter Anschluss ans Congress Center Direct connection to the Congress Center Stand: Mai 2016. There are also many international restaurants within 1,650 feet of the hotel. In Frankfurt and its surroundings you will find a large selection of hotels. The exhibition grounds consist of 592,000 square metres and offer 11 multi-functional trade fair halls and four event locations. Messe Frankfurt is centrally located at the heart of Europe. Unter diesem Motto erwarten Sie im MHotel Frankfurt und im Congress Center Messe Frankfurt ungeahnte Tagungs- und Kongress-Möglichkeiten, verbunden mit all den Annehmlichkeiten eines Luxus-Hotels. Messe Frankfurt is centrally located at the heart of Europe. It is forbidden to put up posters anywhere in the building. Messe Frankfurt is the world’s largest trade fair, congress and event organiser with its own exhibition grounds. A hearty buffet breakfast is included in the price at Goethe Conference Messe. Art wall repairs are very expensive. Frankfurt Central Train Station is 2.1 mi from … In Frankfurt and its surroundings you will find a large selection of hotels. Congress Center Messe Frankfurt is located on the Frankfurt exhbition grounds, close to the city of Frankfurt and connected to the Maritim Hotel Frankfurt. Änderungen und Abweichungen vorbehalten. Information on congress hotels, venues, locations, incentives and fringe programmes in Frankfurt Rhine-Main, hotel allocations and congress tickets Room: CMF Harmonie 5 11:00 11:30 HRS Improving machine readable code quality and overall line e ectiveness through Industry 4.0 system integration Bart Vansteenkiste, Global Sector Manager-Life Sciences OUR BOOTH: www.domino-deutschland.de Hall 3.1 / Stand F58 Eingang Entrance Eingang Entrance Eingang Entrance Eingang Entrance City Eingang Entrance Freigelände Outdoor Area Cargo Center … Daylight-bright foyers, the highly flexible hall Harmonie, divisible conference rooms as well as offices are available. Das Congress Center Messe Frankfurt bietet nicht nur viel Raum, sondern auch Kombinationsmöglichkeiten, die ihresgleichen suchen: dank des überdachten Laufbandsystems Via Mobile ist es mit allen Hallen des Frankfurter Messegeländes verbunden. Here you will find the most important information about your arrival as well as tips for your stay. With room for 15,000 people, this singular, stylish venue can cater for events of all kinds, from shows and concerts to conferences and trade fairs. Here you will find the most important information about your arrival as well as tips for your stay. Thanks to the Via Mobile moving walkway, you can reach all Messe Frankfurt halls, the Forum and the Congress Center directly without getting wet. Welcome to the Festhalle. Our grounds create space for events of virtually any size. the Congress Center Messe Frankfurt and to its 20,000 sq.m. Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr. Die säulenfreie Ebene 5.1 ist direkt mit dem großen und multifunktionalen Konferenzsaal Harmonie des Congress Centers Messe Frankfurt mit Platz für bis zu 2.200 Personen verbunden. Das mobile Wegesystem Via Mobile vernetzt die Halle 5 zudem mit allen weiteren Locations auf dem Gelände der Messe Frankfurt. Congress Center Messe Frankfurt is located on the Frankfurt exhbition grounds, close to the city of Frankfurt and connected to the Maritim Hotel Frankfurt. Daylight-bright foyers, the highly flexible hall Harmonie, divisible conference rooms as well as offices are available. Hall 5, you will have space at your disposal which is truly beyond compare. Frankfurt’s unique event and concert hall has played host to international stars as diverse as David Guetta and the Red Hot Chili Peppers, to artists, magicians and sports stars and to exhibitions and congresses by high-profile companies. Congress Center or on the art walls (Günther Förg’s wall paintings) in the foyers. Festhalle Messe Frankfurt For over 100 years, the unique Festhalle has been the largest event location at the heart of Frankfurt am Main. Sign stands or Messe Frankfurt’s own pylons are to be used for this purpose. Get the Al Jarreau Setlist of the concert at Saal Harmonie, Congress Center, Frankfurt, Germany on April 10, 2016 and other Al Jarreau Setlists for free on setlist.fm! The restaurant serves international dishes with regional flair. The Frankfurt Book Fair becomes colourful: Cosplay on 8000 sqm from FFM Aktuell Boasting another two historic rooms, modern offices and cloakrooms, the Festhalle provides you with additional scope for shaping your event.
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