Steinway USA, New York. There are two Steinways: Hamburg Steinway and New York Steinway. The New York Steinways have unique design elements only available on the Steinway made actions including the Accelerated Action. Steinway & Sons. 以下のボタンで簡単に入力できます. The United States, by and large, knows only New York Steinways. Steinway & Sons was founded in 1853 by German immigrant Henry Engelhard Steinway in a Manhattan loft on Varick Street. Over the next thirty years, Henry and his sons developed the modern piano. Steinway & Sons (oft Steinway genannt) ist ein Hersteller von Flügeln und Klavieren.Das Unternehmen wurde von Heinrich Engelhard Steinweg (Henry E. Steinway) und seinen Söhnen 1853 in New York City gegründet.Seitdem hat Steinway & Sons mehr als 125 Patente erfolgreich angemeldet.. Flügel und Klaviere der Marke Steinway & Sons werden in Hamburg und New York gefertigt. The New York Steinway factory opened in 1854; the Hamburg Steinway factory opened in 1880. The Steinway & Sons Global Website. Throughout the worldwide anniversary celebrations the highlight undoubtedly is the concert event of the century held at Carnegie Hall in New York on June 5, 6 and 7, 2003, featuring artists from classical, jazz and pop. To buy, rent, or service a Steinway piano, please call or drop in. You can go on a $10 factory tour where the company's famous Steinway pianos are built by hand by skilled artisans. steinway hall - new york city 1133 avenue of the americas new york, ny 10036 usa main: +1 (212) 246-1100. Visite au cœur de la plus vieille manufacture de New York. Les pianos Steinway & Sons sont issus de cette firme créée par la famille allemande Steinweg, déjà détentrice d'une marque de pianos Steinweg. 無料購 … お問合せ . Il se compose de plus de 12 000 pièces. They built their instruments one at a time, applying skills that have been handed down from generation to generation. Steinway Hall 1133 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10036 212.246.1100 Steinway & Sons is very proud to launch the third generation of its flagship showroom, a Steinway Hall imbued with beauty, innovation, and history. Steinway & Sons prides itself on the relationships it has with music educators and students the world over. 問合せフォーム. It's a fascinating process to see how the Steinway piano's incomparable sound is achieved. Another difference between the two factories is that Hamburg Steinway’s tend to have slightly thicker soundboards than their New York counterparts. If you're in New York and you have an affinity for pianos (either playing them or loving them), then you need to go visit the Steinway & Sons location on 57th Street (between Sixth and Seventh Avenues). Steinway & Sons for Teachers and Students. ニュースレター. Saviez-vous qu'il faut un an de travail pour fabriquer un piano à queue STEINWAY dans nos ateliers de Hambourg et de New York. The second Steinway factory was established in 1880, in the city of Hamburg, Germany. Visit Steinway Hall in New York at 1133 Avenue of the Americas. The Coach House ‘Steinway School Program’ focuses on accessing and supplying institutions with nearly-new Steinway & Sons pianos that meet the financial and artistic demands of the school. steinway & sonsの最新情報(英語)をお届けします. Did you know that Steinway & Sons, one of the most famous piano makers in the world, is still located in Astoria, Queens?? On 5th March, Steinway & Sons celebrates its 150th anniversary. There’s another difference that piano people, but few others, know about. Après la mort de Heinrich Steinweg en 1871, l’entreprise Steinweig est fondée à Hambourg, en Allemagne, en 1880. La fabrique des pianos Steinway & Sons, installée au cœur du Queens, perpétue depuis 1853 le secret d’une excellence du son universellement reconnue grâce à une fabrication artisanale, un savoir-faire unique et un souci constant de perfection. The Steinway Company Showrooms carry on this proud tradition by offering the very best to … 連絡先. Both Steinway factories have undergone great updates and renovations, and are still making Steinway and Sons pianos today. お問合わせは電話またはメールでご連絡ください. Steinway and Sons (often called Steinway) is a piano maker, established in 1853 in New York City, USA.
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