Rome2rio makes travelling from San Pedro de Atacama to Uyuni easy. Traveling off road in a 4×4 for three days from San Pedro de Atacama to Uyuni across the Bolivian salt flats.. You will travel to the border at Hito Cajones and then visit the most iconic tourist attractions of the Eduardo Avaroa National Reserve as well as the wonderful Salar de Uyuni. COMPARE BELOW A LIST OF THE BEST San Pedro de Atacama to Uyuni AT CHEAP LOCAL PRICES! Traveling off road in a 4×4 for three days from San Pedro de Atacama to Uyuni across the Bolivian salt flats.. I was looking everywhere to see if others had done this but everywhere seemed to say just do the 3 day tour. Answer 1 of 3: Hi, I just wanted to post how I got to San Pedro Dr Atacama from Uyuni by bus and not by the salt flats 3 day tour. It felt bittersweet to be leaving the Atacama Desert, but there was only one way forward, and I knew it too would involve high altitudes and spectacular landscapes. I've searched and searched and apparently I can go to San Pedro by a tour and just tell them I don't want to return bus to Uyuni. It felt bittersweet to be leaving the Atacama Desert, but there was only one way forward, and I knew it too would involve high altitudes and spectacular landscapes. Then you must first take a bus to Calama, which is around 1.5 hours. Hi all, I'd like to know how I'd get from Uyuni, Bolivia to San Pedro de Atacama, Chile by bus. You will tour the expansive and otherworldly Uyuni Flats in Bolivia in a luxury private 4WD vehicle and sleep in a unique hotel constructed out of salt, then head South to the Atacama Desert, to explore thermal springs and Moon-like landscapes. I was looking everywhere to see if others had done this but everywhere seemed to say just do the 3 day tour. If breath-taking, arid expanses excite you then this 10-day Uyuni to San Pedro de Atacama tour is just the ticket. Answer 1 of 3: Hi, I just wanted to post how I got to San Pedro Dr Atacama from Uyuni by bus and not by the salt flats 3 day tour. If you are planning to visit the incredible Salar de Uyuni Salt Flats in Uyuni after visiting San Pedro de Atacama, the bus from Calama to Uyuni is your best bet.. We took the Calama – Uyuni bus and lived to tell the tale. 3-day salt flats tour leaving from San Pedro de Atacama (Chile) and finishing in Uyuni. Day 1: UYUNI - SALAR - SAN JUAN In the morning, we visit the train cemetery on the outskirts of town. This trip starts and ends in San Pedro de Atacama. COMPARE BELOW A LIST OF THE BEST San Pedro de Atacama to Uyuni AT CHEAP LOCAL PRICES! Sowohl die Eindrücke dieser einmaligen, teils unwirklichen Landschaft wie auch unsere Gruppe waren einfach perfekt. Taking a turn behind the wheel on the Bolivian salt flats [I]t was one of the most memorable adventures of my life. The tour includes private transportation and accomodation in a famous salt hotel located on the edge of the salar. Travel between Bolivia and Chile via a myriad of natural attractions on a 3-day tour that begins in Uyuni and ends in San Pedro de Atacama. On this tour, you will stay in the nicest hotels in the Uyuni area – the Tayka Hotels. Rome2rio makes travelling from San Pedro de Atacama (Station) to Uyuni easy. 4WD expedition from Uyuni to San Pedro. Find all the transport options for your trip from San Pedro de Atacama (Station) to Uyuni right here. The expedition will begin in San Pedro de Atacama (Chile). The best way to get to Bolivia from Chile taking in the amazing Salt Flats, colored lakes, geysers and more. Die Tagestour durch die Salzwüste bei Uyuni zählt mit zu den Top 10 Highlights unserer gesamten Weltreise. Sowohl die Eindrücke dieser einmaligen, teils unwirklichen Landschaft wie auch unsere Gruppe waren einfach perfekt. Spanish Speaking driver. Travel comfortably at your own pace! Over the course of the journey, you’ll jump between world-famous attractions, including Salar de Uyuni and lagoons of various vivid colors, without getting lost and conquer off-road terrains without a hitch in a 4x4 vehicle. After a break of 2 hours in the city of Uyuni continue the trip back to San Pedro de Atacama where we spend our last night in hostel in the village of Villa Mar. Call us to book. It is definately possible to travel from San Pedo to Uyuni without doing the 3 day tour. Cross from Chile to Bolivia on this journey through tremendous landscapes from San Pedro de Atacama to Uyuni salt flats. Visit some of the most breathtaking natural scenery in the world as you take in panoramic views of the Salt Flats of Uyuni, high altitude lagoons, salt museum, and hot springs in this 3 day, 2 night tour from Uyuni to San Pedro de Atacama.
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