The main reason I went there was to be able to get a job in France - and I certainly achieved that objective. An international MIM on campuses all across the world. ... European Management Journal; Summer courses Home. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. The ESCP Europe portfolio includes our flagship Master in Management, 23 Specialised Masters (full-time and part-time), the Master in European Business (MEB), the European Executive MBA, the Master in Marketing and Creativity, the Master in Hospitality Management and a PhD programme. QS World University Rankings: Masters in Management Rankings 2018 Designed to cater for a growing interest in specialized business master's degrees, the QS Business Masters Rankings 2018 identifies the best business schools and universities for studying management, finance and business analytics. The first year is focused on advanced learning within the different fields of management through core modules and a selection of electives (15-hour or 30-hour formats). Anhand von praxisbezogenem Expertenwissen zum Thema Digitalisierung und der international anerkannten Expertise der ESCP Europe für strategisches Management und szenarienbasierte Planung, bekommen sie ein tiefes Verständnis für neue Technologien wie Blockchain und AI und damit verbundenen Möglichkeiten und Herausforderungen. These semesters can be completed at our five European campuses (Paris, London, Berlin, Madrid, Torino) or at one of our 70 partner universities both within Europe and beyond. Master in Management (MiM) Studying at ESCP Business School will provide you with the skills, knowledge and network to realise your potential and boost your professional opportunities. ESCP Europe also delivers a wide range of executive programmes. The Master in Management is designed to develop the skills needed to analyse complex strategic and operational management issues within a global context. If you continue without changing your settings, we'll assume that you are happy to receive all cookies on the ESCP website. Over 2 years in the ESCP Master of Management program, students have the opportunity to study in Berlin, Paris, London, Turin, Madrid, Warsaw and at more than 100 partner universities worldwide. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. The MILR/ESCP Europe Master in Management program allows students to get a Master of Industrial and Labor Relations degree from the ILR School at Cornell University and a Master in Management degree ("Master Grande Ecole") from ESCP Europe in just three years. ESCP is a multicultural, living, breathing entity. Here are the instructions how to enable JavaScript in your web browser . Seit Jahren belegt das Programm Spitzenplätze in internationalen Rankings: In Deutschland ist der Master in Management der ESCP Europe die Nummer 1 …
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